Saturday, May 12, 2012

New Life

We're in the middle of Spring, and for possibly the first time in my life it feels great. All around me I see life. Last year I bought my wife a bush of her favorite roses for her birthday, that way she has fresh ones all the time. This year I bought a second one, both of them are blooming. The first rose bush got me hooked on gardening, and when my wife mentioned she loved raspberries, my mind went to the future and owning a house and property where I could grow them.

After talking with my grandma I learned that you can grow most berry bushes in a five gallon bucket their entire lives. With that knowledge I headed to Lowes and bought a raspberry bush. They take a few years to produce fruit so this gives it a head start. Well one turned into two and two blueberry bushes as well.

Shortly after the first rose my wife bought me a book so I would be able to take care of her rose (I really wanted the book and asked her for it). In the back they have other books on different types of gardening, one on vegetable, fruit and herbs. After I got the raspberry and blueberry bushes I convinced her that I needed that one too. I'm still not sure if that was a good or a bad idea. As I've looked through it I've begun to see everything I can grow, and so now my mindset is, "If it's edible and I can grow it, I'm going to." I have a new hobby, and I might be a little obsessed. Part of it has just made me want my own house and land even more badly so I can really get a good set up with my plants.

There is a part of the yard where we are now (I should clarify, the church owns the house we live in) that has been used as a garden in the past. Last year life was too hectic with starting working here, moving, and planning a wedding, that we didn't do anything with it. Life hasn't slowed down too much, honestly it's a little more hectic than last year, but I wanted to plant something. We decided on watermelon, it'll take up the whole area, there is plenty of sun, and we both love it. Plus its good for the dog to snack on as well. It got planted yesterday.

I'm a guy, and so the pride of accomplishing a task is big for me. I'm a pastor, and so I'm not rich. Anyway I can save money is good. And anyway I can save money and accomplish a task is even better. I decided to save apple seeds from the apples we buy at the store and try to plant them. About a month ago I planted fifteen, and I didn't think they were going to do anything. Yesterday as I was cleaning off the surface of the dirt in the pots, the green leaf didn't come out, one of my seeds has sprouted! My orchard has begun.

All around me I see new life. I've had a good couple of days. Yesterday I was able to work in my garden, prune my wife's roses, water all of my plants, and one of my seeds finally sprouted. Today I got to spend several hours with my goddaughter, she turned three today. We played together most of the afternoon. She's so young, and so full of life. I'm really tired, but it's a good tired.

I've had a rough year so far. I've been drained, discouraged, and over all just beaten down. But today, I feel full of new life. As I drove to see my goddaughter, I just keep thinking about how grateful I am for my wife. I spent most of the drive just thanking God for her, and asking Him to bless her. I love her so much and I can't put it into words. I am so grateful for her. (Our marriage is going great, and has been, the year hasn't been rough because of anything there, and I've always loved her.)

It's been a rough year, but today I feel like I have new life. All around me I see new life, and in me I feel new life. Tomorrow I am going to begin a three week study of the story of Jesus bringing Lazarus back from the dead. At first I had planned to do all of John 11 in one week, but as I read it and prayed God led me to break it up and do three shorter sermons allowing more time for prayer. The overall theme of the story is obviously Jesus giving new life to a dead man. But this week as I read and studied the chapter God showed me the steps leading up to new life. This next week I'm going to blog about those steps.

I know I'm not the only one whose had a rough year. I know many out there have had much more difficult things hit them this year than I have, and my year would be a walk in the park to them. This blog series is not a check list, do these things and God will end your problems. He might, but then again He might not. Instead, these posts are intended to help those in difficult situations focus fully on Christ. Jesus is the source of life as John tells us in chapters 1 and 10. New life might be strength to endure the hardships. It might be the relationship with and confidence in Christ that Paul talks about in Philippians 4.11-13.

All around me I see new life, God has breathed that new life into me. He wants to do the same for you. Join me over the next few days as we look at what is involved in this journey.

To God alone be the Glory!

Peace be with you

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