Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Man's Best Friend

About a week and a half ago my wife and I got a dog. My wife has been asking for one for months, and yes, I'm a dog person, but due to our trip to Israel in January I was wanting to wait until we got back to get one. My wife and I both said before we were married, actually it might have been on the first or second date, that we wanted a yellow lab. Turns out they are really expensive and part of me can't justify spending several hundred dollars on something that is only going to live a little over a decade providing nothing happens to it.

Her birthday is coming up in just under two weeks, and she told me the only thing she wanted was a puppy. I want to be a blessing to my wife, but at the same time I have our Israel trip constantly on my mind, and so I kept saying not yet. But God has a great sense of humor. I had to go to the hardware store in town to get a couple of keys made, and as we were walking out there was a flyer in the window for a $15 dog. For whatever reason I showed my wife, she made a call, and a few weeks later Rosie is part of our family.

The first week and a half has been a bit of a pain. My wife has compared her to Marley in the movie Marley and Me saying we could write a daily column on the events of our life with her. I'm praying that isn't true. The first day she wouldn't come near us, so I left the door connecting the garage and the house open so she could come and go when she was comfortable. That night she began to warm up to my wife a little, and over the next few days to both of us.

My wife has never had a big dog. Her experience was with a Doxen, which I won't even acknowledge as a dog. I've heard a lot over the last few days about how "Coco never did that! Why is she so gross/bad/loud?" It's been a huge adjustment, but the hardest part has been at night. We keep her in a cage at night, mainly because I don't trust her to not chew on everything. Usually she'll whine for about ten minutes, then she's good until around 6:00 am. She'll start barking, normally I get up and let her out. But over the past week it's gotten worse.

Two nights ago she started barking at 3:39 am, I was ready to kill her. My wife and I were both exhausted, it had been one of the most stressful weeks of our lives, and the last thing we needed was a barking dog at twenty to four. My wife has made numerous comments about taking her back. We were even looking at shock collars yesterday as a last attempt to get her to stop.

Last night we both were worn out, both from poor sleep for a week, and the highly stressful events of the previous week still. We both needed sleep. Recently the need for prayer has been hitting me a lot. And so laying on the couch last night petting Rosie and getting ready to put her in the cage for the night I told me wife that we were going to pray over the dog. For the first time since we've had her, she didn't whine last light, and didn't bark at all this morning. We both slept through the night, and after I had woken up she started to softly whine to be let outside. As she was outside, I layed on the couch and just said "Thank you," to God over and over.

I gave her food, and water, and layed back down to just pray some more, fully out of gratitude for rest. Once she had finished eating she came and lay down quietly beside me, and we had the best morning we've had in a long time.

God works in the small things to show us He cares. Both my wife and I needed sleep so we could recover from everything that's happened. And after asking God, He gave it to us. There is a lot going on right now that needs prayer, and after last night my faith has been strengthened by seeing that God really does care.

Currently I'm in a situation where God has asked me to do something and I've said yes. I'm still not totally crazy about it, but God has asked me and I want to faithfully serve Him. Last night God showed me that He cares. That when I come to Him, He will literally give me rest (Matthew 11.28). I cannot do what God has asked me to do without Him. I don't have the strength, patience, or ability in myself to do it. But last night God began to show me that the words He spoke to Joshua thousands of years ago are the same words He is speaking to me now. "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not tremble or be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go" (Joshua 1.9).

Dog has been called "Man's best friend." They are loyal, faithful, and loving no matter what. They are there to cheer you up, comfort you, and play with you. One of the biggest joys I have is when Rosie is waiting at the door when I get home. Her face just says, "I've been sitting here waiting for you for hours, and if you leave again, I'll do the same thing until you get back!" I keep thinking of the movie UP and the dog collars that speak the dog's thoughts.

I don't think it's accidental that the dog has been given that title, those characteristics, and God's name spelled backwards. People often debate over whether animals go to Heaven, and as I've thought about it and read the Bible, part of me really thinks they might. The Bible says that all things are being made new (Revelation 21.5) and that all of creation groans for the appearing of the Sons of God (Romans 8.18-22). Again, I don't know for sure, just taking what the Bible does say and following it to a possible conclusion. If all things are made new, if all of creaion groans, if Jesus came to save the world that God loves (John 3.16) why couldn't animals be included?

Not sure why that last bit got into this. Anyway, in dogs we see so many characteristics of God: unconditional and unceasing love, constant loyalty, a faithful confidant, and a desire to be our best friend. Growing up from junior high until moving out of the house, I had Molly, an English Springer Spaniel who is still clinging to life. I love that dog, whenever I'd come home from school at night she'd wake up and meet me at the door, then she'd sit next to me on the floor. Rosie doesn't yet have the same place in my heart that Molly does, but I'm sure as we go through the next several years together they will be tied. I believe that God gave us dogs to show us some of who He is, and to give us a companion that will constantly remind us of His desire to be Man's best friend, who gives unconditional and unceasing love, constant loyalty, and is an ever faithful confidant.

To God alone be the glory!

Peace be with you

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