Sunday, March 31, 2019

Pr. 18.24: Conclusions, by Will

Pr. 18.24: Conclusions, by Will: I'm coming to loath the word "busy" more and more each year. The past five years of my life seem to be dominated by it, but I&...

Saturday, March 30, 2019

Pr. 18.24: The waiting game! Getting ready for child #3, by A...

Pr. 18.24: The waiting game! Getting ready for child #3, by A...: So my wife and I are about 3 days away from the due date of our third child. We currently have two boys and our third child will be a girl....

Pr. 18.24: 21 Again, by T.Y.

Pr. 18.24: 21 Again, by T.Y.: This month, I turned 32.  As I get older, I realize I have somewhat of a wealth of knowledge, or just a rolodex of trial-and-error experien...

Pr. 18.24: Hungry, by Ryan

Pr. 18.24: Hungry, by Ryan: With Ash Wednesday being celebrated a few weeks ago (March 6 this year) kicking off the season of Lent (40 days before Easter excluding the ...