Monday, May 21, 2012

The Journey to New Life, Step Five: Obey

At the beginning of the journey things are easy. Spirits are high, bodies are strong and pain free. The first steps are easy. But as the journey progresses fatigue sets in. As the miles add up aches and pains start to be felt. The excitement has worn off, and sometimes we wonder why we even began the journey to begin with. But then as we round the next bend, the end is in sight, the destination we set out to reach is close at hand. It's important to finish the journey, especially this journey to new life. Because when we get to the end, we have the life that we were created for.

The final step of the journey is obedience to what Jesus says. After the previous steps this would seem like an easy one to end on, but how often do we fail to finish the journey? How often do we get so close to new life and fall short because we fail to obey?

John 11.38-41a, "So Jesus, again being deeply moved within, came to the tomb. Now it was a cave, and a stone was lying against it. Jesus said, 'Remove the stone.' Martha, the sister of the deceased, said to Him, 'Lord, by this time there will be a stench, for he has been dead four days.' Jesus said to her, 'Did I not say to you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God?' So they removed the stone."

When it all comes down to it, obedience is the key to receiving new life. Yes, this is the final step of the journey seen here in John 11, but it's a crucial step. We call on Him, follow Him, hope in Him, and invite Him, but if we fail to obey Him the journey has been a waste. Obedience is the step that finally brings us to the destination.

As I think about obedience my mind goes to the last words Jesus spoke on the earth. Matthew 28.19-20, "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Jesus sends His disciples into the world to make disciples by baptizing, and teaching the nations to obey all that He has commanded.

To be a disciple of Jesus means receiving new life. Jesus came to earth to give eternal life to all who would accept it. We accept it by calling on Him and following Him. To accept the gift there must be hope in the one giving it, and to receive it we must be willing to invite the giver to the place of death in our lives. But simply receiving new life is not enough. New life demands change, it implies change. When Jesus gives us new life we are to live differently, because by receiving new life from Him we become His disciples, and to be His disciple we must obey Him.

Sometimes obedience is hard. Sometimes it doesn't make sense, or it isn't the pleasant task we hope for. But if we fail to obey Jesus, then we cannot receive new life. The final step of obedience must be taken. Jesus has already done so much for us along this journey. We've called and He's answered, in His time and for His glory. We've followed and He has led the way, never leaving us. We've had hope in Him that He has affirmed and strengthened. We've invited Him and He has wept, meeting us at our point of pain and sorrow. How, here at the end, so close to the destination, could we fail to trust Him and obey Him?

God wants us to receive new life. On this journey we deepen our relationship with Jesus, we learn to trust Him, seeing that He does care, that He has our best interest at heart, that He wants good for us. It builds so that when we get to the end, tired as we may be, we are able to obey. God does not ignore the obedient.

To God alone be the glory!

Peace be with you

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