Thursday, May 31, 2012

Instrucitons on Leadership

I realize that we are in an election year but please understand that this post is in no way an attack on our currant President.

As I've been working my way through the Bible this time I'm searching for the heart of God and recording my findings in a journal. Somethings that really stand out to me don't fit that category and so they are recorded in a separate notebook series I started back in college, sort of a though journal I'll keep for the rest of my life.

Yesterday, as I was reading in Deuteronomy I noticed that God, through Moses, gives instructions to the people about choosing their leaders. He then gives instructions for the leaders to follow as the undertake the responsibility of leading the people.

Deuteronomy 17.14-20, "When you enter the land which the Lord your God gives you, and you possess it and live in it, and you say, ‘I will set a king over me like all the nations who are around me,’ you shall surely set a king over you whom the Lord your God chooses, one from among your countrymen you shall set as king over yourselves; you may not put a foreigner over yourselves who is not your countryman. Moreover, he shall not multiply horses for himself, nor shall he cause the people to return to Egypt to multiply horses, since the Lord has said to you, ‘You shall never again return that way.’ He shall not multiply wives for himself, or else his heart will turn away; nor shall he greatly increase silver and gold for himself. Now it shall come about when he sits on the throne of his kingdom, he shall write for himself a copy of this law on a scroll in the presence of the Levitical priests. It shall be with him and he shall read it all the days of his life, that he may learn to fear the Lord his God, by carefully observing all the words of this law and these statutes, that his heart may not be lifted up above his countrymen and that he may not turn aside from the commandment, to the right or the left, so that he and his sons may continue long in his kingdom in the midst of Israel."

Leadership is privilege, but with it comes great responsibility, as we've heard countless times from Uncle Ben in the Spiderman movies. Leadership is not something that is to be taken on lightly or rashly, and likewise the people shouldn't choose their leaders without careful consideration and examination.

The first instruction given is that the leader is not to be a foreigner, but one of your own people. A foreigner wouldn't have the best interest of the people at heart. His goals and ambitions wouldn't be for the best of the people, because they aren't his people. But a leader chosen from among the people knows the people they have been chosen to lead. They love the people, and desire the best for them.

Leadership is a responsibility, not an opportunity to gain wealth, comfort and prestige. Leadership is above all service. Leaders are to serve their people, to take care of them and make sure they are provided for, not to advance himself, gain wealth, or increase his comfort. If this is done, it is an abuse of the position. Leaders are there to make sure the people are taken care of and treated fairly with dignity. A good leader seeks the best for his people not his own pleasure and gain.

A leader is to set an example. He is to have one wife, and love her and cherish her. He is to care for his family and model being a husband and father. He is to teach his children to follow the truth, how to treat people, and how to handle responsibility. He is to model Godliness, and set an example for the people in that as well.

The thing that stood out to me the most is that when a leader takes power he is to write a copy of the law for himself. It is to be done in the presence of one who knows and guards the law. He is to have it with him and study it all of his life. A leader must know and keep the statues of God in order to be a leader blessed by God. A leader must know and follow the laws of the land to be loved and respected by the people.

Above all, a leader must stay humble. Again, leadership is primairly servanthood. A leader is to be a servant working for the the people he leads.

It is a privalge to lead, but "With great power comes great responsability." If God calls you into leadership, if people choose you to lead, take it seriously. Draw close to God every day, serve the people. Set an example.

To God alone be the Glory!

Peace be with you

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