Back when I was in high school I was sitting in my collapsible hunting blind watching a beautiful ten point white tail walk closer and closer to me. He started up at the top of the hill, and made his way to the bottom until he was standing about fifty feet from me presenting me with a beautiful chest shot. I raised my muzzle loader and centered the cross hairs of my scope on his chest. I exhaled slowly, and then pulled the trigger. I saw the smoke from my shot and part of my blind fly up in front of me, and when it all cleared I saw the deer limping very slowly back up the hill.
Very excited about the biggest deer I'd ever gotten a shot at, I decided to climb through the front window of my blind instead of taking time to unzip the door in the back. And as I did, I noticed a hole in the wall. When I had taken aim I hadn't paid attention to the barrel of my gun. I had simply focused on the big picture of my scope. I had been sitting back in my blind so that my outline would be broken up and I wouldn't be seen, but it had caused my gun to be below the window.
At that time I was using bullets that had a plastic jacket called a sabot. It is designed to grip the rifling in the barrel when the gun is fired and help the bullet fly straight. But when it was fired through the fabric of my hunting blind the sabot was stripped off of the bullet and it threw it off target. Instead of hitting the deer in the center of his chest, it struck him in his left shoulder. My dad, cousin, and I tracked it for more than an hour, but never could find it. I felt really bad; a little for me, but a lot for the deer. I had injured an animal but hadn't killed it, all because I didn't pay attention to the details.
I share this story to remind us that the details are important. I've heard a lot in my life that I need to focus on the big picture. I personally have said I can only see a little portion of the painting, but God sees it all. We're told not to worry about the little stuff, like it doesn't matter over all. But the details are important to God. He cares about the little things.
In the book of Exodus when God is giving the instructions for building the Tabernacle, we see this aspect of God. Every detail is planned out. Everything. In Exodus 26 He gives instructions about the hooks for the curtains. He talks about the sockets and claps for the walls. He gives instructions about where items are to placed inside of the tabernacle, and the direction it is to face. In Exodus 27 He gives instructions about the pails and shovels used to clean the bronze altar, and the other elements used in the sacrifices for it. There are instructions for the priests. Every detail is taken care of by God, because God cares about the little things.
We see in the New Testament that Jesus is as well. He invites little children to come to Him in Luke 18.16. Over and over He goes to the least of these, the outcast, and the broken. On every occasion that I'm thinking of right now He meets the physical needs of the person who came to Him before He talks about Spiritual matters. Jesus came to show us what God is like, and God cares about the little things. God cares about the details.
It doesn't matter what your going through, it matters to God. It could be something as big as cancer, or as small as a pop quiz you weren't prepared for; God cares. God cares about the needs of Christians who worship Him illegally, and the four year old who kneels by her bed each night to pray. There is no need too small or insignificant to bring to God. There is no detail of your life He doesn't want you to share with Him. And there is no detail that it is too specific for Him to handle. God cares about the little things, God cares about the details.
To God alone be the glory!
Peace be with you
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