Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Poured Out

At the end of this month I will celebrate a fifth anniversary. On January 31, 2007 my dear friend Linda Russe went home to receive permanent healing from God in Heaven. At the time I was a sophomore in college, and I didn't understand why God hadn't answered the countless prayers for healing that had been offered for her. She was one of those people that everyone loved, and she's someone I miss dearly.

The day I found out she had cancer I did a lot of crying. That night I had talked to her and she told me not to cry. At the time I didn't understand her, but after a few years of maturing and growing I would. Now as I look back, almost five years later, I can say I understand it better than I ever have. I've understood for a few years, but now I truly get it. I still miss her; I miss not being able to call her just to talk, I wish she had been able to be at my wedding this past summer, but I understand her confidence in a new way.

In 2 Timothy 4 Paul, very near to death, writes to his young friend Timothy about his confidence. "For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure has come." At this point, the only thing Paul has left to offer to God is his very life. He has spent years giving time, money, energy, and knowledge to the service of God. He has spent himself and all that he has to proclaim the message of Jesus so that the Kingdom can be advanced. And now here at the end, he is prepared to offer his final sacrifice to God, his life.

At the end of a Roman meal there would be a sacrifice to the gods. A cup of wine would be poured out for them. The word used for the sacrifice at the end of the meal is spendesthai meaning a drink offering to the gods, and it is the same word that Paul uses here. Paul looks at his situation now not as a man waiting to be executed, but as a humble servant going to offer his life to God. Not having his life taken from him, but as willingly giving it to his Master. It is all he has left to offer, and he gladly lays it down.

Linda was the same way. Her life had been spent in service to God. She had taught me, and countless others so much about God and life through living. And as unselfishly as she lived life, she had a final lesson to teach in dying. A life that is lived with God, that has held nothing back, faces death with confidence knowing it is simply offering it's final offering to God.

Peace be with you

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