Monday, February 13, 2012


In a few recent posts I've referred to my wife and I being welded together, or how God wants us to be welded to Him. It's Monday, and I don't have anything else on my mind, so I want to share this insight. I don't remember where I first heard this fact, but I've confirmed it with my father-in-law and he said it's correct.

When two pieces of metal need to be joined they can be welded together. There are many ways to weld metal, I want to focus on heat. Both pieces are heated up to essentially melt the two together. When this happens the two pieces are joined directly to each other, and the bond is stronger (most of the time) than the metal itself. Due to this, the metal will never break at the welded part. Two pieces become one single piece and the point of their union is stronger than each piece individually. You can see now why I've used the reference.

Marriage is a welding of two people. It is a bond, a covenant, unbreakable vows made to each other before God. I don't believe the welding of marriage is fully accomplished at the wedding however. That day you have two people at their absolute best, it's easy to be close an inseparable at that point. The welding comes after that day, when reality sets in, when life happens. The welding takes place when life gets hard and the two become closer together.

I think the tough times function as heat. Our reaction to them determines what happens next. A husband and wife can either come together, and be melted together into an unbreakable bond, or they can pull away from each other, and be two broken pieces of metal.

There has been some rough stuff in the situations my wife and I have found ourselves in recently. I know that I haven't always responded the best to them, but over all we have really begun to get closer. We are learning to support each other through the rough times. We're really learning how to pray for each other. I'm learning how to be there for her, how sometimes she just needs me to come pick her up and hold her on the couch.

I think of what it says in Romans 5 and James 1,"And not only this, but we also exult in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance; and perseverance, proven character; and proven character, hope; and hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us" (Romans 5.3-5). "Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing" (James 1.2-4).

Testing and tribulations refers to metal being put through fire. It is cleansed, purified, strengthened, and becomes more valuable. The difficulties in life on a marriage are there to do the same thing to a couple. As the world tries to tear a marriage apart, God is there to bring the two together. He is there to weld them together.

Marriage is the closest model we have to the relationship God desires with each of us. During the hard times of life, God wants us to draw closer to Him. He wants us to learn to lean on Him, and through the difficulties to have our faith in Him strengthened. He wants us to be welded to Him, to have an unbreakable bond with Him. The trials of life provide the heat, but our response determines if the welding ever takes place.

Let the trials your marriage will face weld you to your spouse. Let the trials your faith goes through weld you to God. During the hard times draw closer to the ones that love you most. During the tough times unite together and become unbreakable.

Peace be with you

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