Sunday, June 17, 2012


I ask that question a lot. I'm pretty sure most of us do. This past week I got to listen to an author speak about leadership. He began by asking the group what leadership was in one word. The one that was most commonly said was "influence", and since it was the word I said, I completely agree with that. Leadership is influence, if you aren't influencing anything, you aren't leading anything.

Some people are more influential than others, some are better leaders than others because of their ability to influence. But how we use our influence is based on another factor. He talked about how the way we use our influence is determined by our character. He used the example of Mother Teresa and Abraham Lincoln, both good leaders with large influence, and then threw Hitler into the mix. He was another leader with large influence, but his character was different than the previously mentioned two, and so he used his influence differently than they did. Character determines how we use our influence.

But there is something else that determines our character. Something deeper that determines how we do things and go about living life. It's the simple question, "Why?". That question of meaning and purpose, the reason for existence and what we do with it shapes so much of who we are. The answer to the "Why?" shapes the way we live and think, and therefore shapes the way we lead/influence others.

As a Christ follower, the answer to the question, "Why am I here?" is easy to answer. I have life in order to become like Christ, and help build the Kingdom of God for His glory. I have meaning and purpose in what I do because I know ultimately why I do what I do. My character is shaped by the leading of the Holy Spirit so that I become more like Christ so that I can bring more glory to God. And I use my influence to help build His Kingdom.

The answer to the question not only guides the way we influence others, but it gives us meaning, it gives us a reason. It keeps us from simply existing, going from day to day in a routine of work to make money to eat and survive, and allows us to really live life. It gives us something to live for. It gives us a mission to fulfill. We all need to know why?

What is your reason for existing? What is your mission and purpose? Why are you here?

Sometimes things in life don't make sense. Sometimes life gets really hard. When there is uncertainty and difficulty, the reason is the thing that keeps us going. The answer to "Why?" gets us through the hard times. It doesn't mean we don't question things, as I said I know my purpose, I know ultimately why I am here, but I still ask why a lot because right now what I'm doing doesn't seem to line up with my purpose. I don't feel like I'm having an impact or doing anything that is changing anything.

Sometimes in those times it's hard to to remember why. It's hard to stay motivated and focused on the mission when it seems that nothing you do is bringing you closer to fulfilling it. And I wish I had the answer on how to help get you through that situation, because I would give myself that same advice.

I guess it all comes down to remembering the ultimate reason is not about us, but about God. That it isn't about me, my comfort, preferences, or ease, but about His Kingdom being expanded, His Gospel being proclaimed, and Him being made Lord of my life.

To God alone be the Glory!

Peace be with you

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