This weekend in church I heard a different take on the David and Goliath story than I have in my almost 27 years. I encourage you to take some time and listen to what was said. (The message is week 3 in the series "God is for me" given on September 29, 2013.)
There were a lot of good things said, and I actually took notes on a message for the first time in years. At one point the question "What makes you angry?" was asked. We see that David is angry about Goliath, what he's saying and the attitude he has towards God and Israel. He takes action, charges the enemy, and takes him down. Then he cuts off his head and carries it through the city of Jerusalem.
His anger, righteous anger, moved him to action. He stood alone before a giant that no one else, not even the king, had the faith or courage to battle. He delivered his people from oppression, and saved them from death. He was angry and acted.
What makes you angry? Not what makes you snap and lose your temper, but what injustice lights a fire under you? What motivates you to do something to bring change? What moves you to actually do it? What makes you angry?
When that question was asked, two things came to my mind, "Church" and "Men". The Church has gotten so far from God's intention for it. And what's worse, many don't even realize it. There is so much about the Church and how it functions and interacts that I don't like or support. There is so much I want to try and change, so much I want to bring Biblical truth to, and so much I want to see transformed.
With men, I simply see so few. I see failed attempts, and empty shells. There are so many posers out there putting up a front. I want to help initiate them, and see them become all that God created them to be.
And so now the question is "What am I going to do about it?"
Honestly, I don't know. Part of the reason I blog is that I'm at least doing something, at least reaching someone. My other blog was started, and is written, out of a desire to reach men. This one is a general audience, hopefully the Church. But writing a couple blogs only counts for so much, they can only go so far. For a several years now I've had a thought that I'm supposed to plant a church. It's been something that's come and gone, something I've thought God was calling me to and then thought of every reason not to do it. And honestly I don't know that I've thought about it recently until the other night when I was talking to my pastor friend after the message.
I'm at a point where I'm really trying to figure out what to do, and in the meantime I'm working on just being satisfied with knowing God. But at the same time the anger in me over these two issues isn't getting smaller or going away. I don't know what is going to happen yet, I don't know what giant God has for me to take down in His name and power. But I want to be ready when the time comes to charge the enemy.
What about you? What makes you angry? What are you going to do about it?
"I have been young and now I am old, yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken or his descendants begging bread."
To God alone be the Glory!
Peace be with you
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