Monday, August 5, 2013

Bullied by the Devil

For the last five days I have been.  I have been hit with doubt and discouragement which has led to small divisions.  It came on pretty quickly and it has been a couple really intense days.  And sadly they have been needless days of struggling.

In the book of James it says, "Submit therefore to God.  Resist the devil and he will flee from you."  The fact that we are told to resist implies that we are going to be targeted.  Satan is a fallen angelic being who is working to destroy all things good, and he is able to lay a beating on us, spiritually, emotionally, even physically.  He wants to take all people out, and if we claim to be followers of Christ, if we strive to be more like Him, then we hang a huge sign on our backs saying, "Here I am, hit me."  And of course he does.  He strikes quickly to try to prevent any counter attack.  He hits hard to try and demoralize us.  He strikes often to keep us down.  Each blow has his full weight behind it and is carefully aimed for maximum effect.  

Time after time we take it.  We try to get up only to be knocked down again.  We try to run only to be tripped up.  It seems like a hopeless assault we are powerless to do anything about, and on our own we are.  This is what happens when we try to live by just the second half of the verse.

On our own we cannot resist the devil.  Alone we cannot stand up to him or overcome him.  He is too strong of an adversary for any man.  The only way to have the devil flee is for us to submit to God.

In God we find the ultimate big brother.  We have someone bigger and stronger than the devil.  Don't think that God and Satan are equals, too many people make that assumption.  God is the eternal creator, Satan is a created being.  God is all powerful, Satan has what power God allows him to possess.  But Satan is no match for God.

Submitting to God, is like walking down the street with your big brother.  The bully hides and waits for you to walk around the corner, but when you have your big brother with you he runs away.

Are you walking down the street by yourself?  For the last  few days I have been.  For whatever reason I've allowed myself to lose sight of my big brother, and I've taken a beating.  I've tried to stand up to an enemy that over powers my feeble attempts to resist him, and I've even found myself mad at God and blaming God  even though its my fault for trying to do this alone. 

It's not easy to get back to Him as you're being hit from all sides, but as we work towards Him, He comes to our rescue, and tells the enemy to back off.  He picks us up and brings healing to our wounds.  

The enemy is real, and he is waiting for the opportunity to take you out. Stay close to God and though he'll try, he won't be successful.  God will not let you be taken out.

"I have been young and now I am old, yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken or his descendants begging bread."

To God alone be the Glory!

Peace be with you

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