Thursday, July 28, 2011


I heard a quote from Francis Chan a while ago where he said, "As I studied the Scriptures I realized that God doesn't want me to do this by myself, that's why He created church, the Church." Yesterday I met with my mentor for breakfast and as we talked I told him about how I was feeling alone.

He challenged me to get out of the office and out into the community. This has been something that I've been planning to do, I just haven't yet, not sure why. But he reminded me, "You can't save people you don't know. Matthew 9, 'Jesus was going through all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every kind of disease and every kind of sickness.' He went where the people where." You know when a mentor is good because he can correct you without making you feel like you've failed.

Then we began to talk about prayer. He said that probably every believer prays individually, but the big thing missing is corporate prayer. He told me the different things he's been doing to make sure he's doing this.

We weren't created to do this alone. In the very beginning, when the world was perfect, God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone; I will make him a helper suitable for him." Back before the fall it was not good for us to exist in isolation, how much more crucial is it now for us to have community?

We must pray in community. My mentor said "Prayer most of the time isn't us impressing upon God, that is part of it, but a lot of it needs to be God impressing upon us. It needs to be us asking God to open our eyes to what He is already doing." When we as a church can ask God to show us what He is already doing, to open our eyes to how He is already working, then we can get on board with it. It might start with an individual. As the leader of a church, it must start with me, I have to be inviting God to work in me, to open my eyes to what He is doing before I can lead the people in that.

The people of the church must gather to pray. The early church believed that in prayer we had to be an army that would pray to God. Will we be that army? One man can do something, a group of men can do something more, a church can do more still, The Church could do something incredible. We simply need to ask God to open our eyes to what He is already doing, and then we need to get on board with Him.

Peace be with you

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