Monday, March 29, 2010

Temporary or Life?

I've heard so many times that happiness and joyfulness are not the same. I agree, happiness is an emotion that comes and goes based on our circumstances and situations. Things make us happy or unhappy. Honestly it's a fickle emotion that is easily swayed by one thing. Joyfulness is different, one of the dictionary defines of joy is, "the emotion of great delight or happiness caused by something exceptionally good or satisfying; keen pleasure; elation" but I feel that this isn't enough.

1 Thessalonians 5.16 says, "Rejoice always" another translation says, "Be joyful always." To exist in a state of perpetual happiness is not possible, no one is happy all the time, so joy needs to be more than just happiness.

Philippians 4.4-13 talks about this, it begins very similar to the Thessalonians verse. "Rejoice in the Lord always." and the ending verse is "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." If you read the verses in between it gives this idea of fully focusing on God, dwelling on him, and in that finding contentment. That is joy, contentment in the moment. Paul says in Philippians 4.11, "Not that I speak from want, for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am." That is joy, contentment with life.

This isn't complacency, it isn't sitting back and just letting life go by complacent with it. I think the way to live life is to be content but restless. To be satisfied with where God has put us, satisfied with what he has given us, but restless to do the best we can in that situation, restless to work with what he has given us as best we can, restless to live life to the fullest no matter where we are. We are called to a life of joy, a life of restless contentment.

I think this idea is true of other things as well. Lets look at fear. The Bible contains the idea of "Fear not" 365 times. It says, in 1 John 4, "There is no fear in love" I think fear is like joy, it is a lifestyle. It's ok to be scared, that is like happiness, a temporary emotion caused by a situation or our circumstances, but being scared is temporary. Fear is being in a constant state of panic of unease. When Jesus appears to his disciples after his resurrection the first thing he says is "Peace be with you." (John 20.19) It's that idea of fear not.

There will be moments in our lives when we feel scared, things like thunderstorms scare some people, big dogs scare people. Some things are scary, but when that feeling of scared begins to rule your life, when you are controlled by it, that's when it becomes a fear. We weren't made to have our lives ruled by things that scare us, we weren't made to live in a constant state of panic. "There is no fear in love."

Anger is another one. It's ok to be angry, they Bible simply says, "In your anger do not sin." There are things that will make us angry, and there are things that should make us angry. But when that anger consumes us it becomes hate, and that's where it consumes us.

"Be angry, and yet do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger, and do not give the devil an opportunity." (Ephesians 4.26-27) If we hold on to anger it can consume us, it can grow into hate. Anger is like happiness and being scared, it is a temporary emotion, and it needs to remain that way.

Fear and hate, John Wesley said, "Give me 300 people who fear nothing but God and hate nothing but sin, and I will set this world on fire." The fear of God is not a fear of terror, but a fear out of reverence. It is God who has power and God who we are to be ruled by. But that fear is, again, not a fear out of being terrified by him, but a healthy fear out of reverence for his holiness and power. The only thing we are to hate is the thing contrary to God, the thing opposite God. Evil is the only thing that we are to hate. The rest of creation, including the people who make us the angriest, are made by God.

Finally, concern vs. worry. There are things to be concerned about, situations that need us to be careful and plan for them, to spend time and prepare for them, but to be consumed by the planning, the possibility of everything going wrong, that becomes worry. To live in a constant state of anxiety will ruin your life. You won't be able to have joy if you are constantly anxious about what will go wrong tomorrow. The test you have in school, the assignment at work, yes be concerned, study for it, prepare for it, but don't be consumed by the pressure of failing.

So what will be your life, Hatred, Worry, Fear or Joy?

Peace be with you

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