Today I was sitting at the local coffee house going over some stuff for Sunday night. I'm doing a brief look at 1 Timothy before we start Mere Christianity. This week is chapter 5 and 6. As I began to look at the blog I wrote a few weeks ago a word hit me, relationships. As I thought about it, that word has been hitting me a lot recently. I wrote it at the top of the page next to 2011.
I began to think about last year, the word for 2010 was "Christlikeness". Everything I studied, preached, read, focused on that. This year I've realized that the word is "relationships". It's a fitting topic really seeing as how I just got married.
I'm seeing the importance of relationships more and more. I'm seeing how so much of the Bible's teachings are about relationships. I shared some of this in my 1 Timothy findings. Now as I begin my next study this word has come to the forefront again.
Right now I'm at the beginning of a study on the different "footholds" of the devil. If you've read Ephesians you're familiar with 4.26-27, "Be angry, and yet do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger, and do not give the devil an opportunity." (NASB) The NIV has the word "foothold" in place of opportunity, but I'll get into that more in the near future. Anger that leads to sin or that is allowed to stew is not the only foothold of Satan, and again my current study is looking at several of them.
The thing that I've noticed this year is that relationships are what life is all about. God said in the beginning, "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness;" God exists in relationship, He always has. We are made in the image of a relational God. He created us to exist in relationship with Him, but also with each other. "Then the LORD God said, 'It is not good for the man to be alone; I will make him a helper suitable for him.'" Genesis 2.18.
Satan hates God and everything He has done. His sole purpose is to attack God in a vain attempt to defeat Him. If everything is based on relationships, then that is the thing sin attacks the most. The first result of sin is death. Death is separation from God, it is a broken relationship with God. Secondly we see that sin attacks the relationships of humans, predominately the marriage relationship.
The foundation of society is the family, and the foundation of the family is the marriage. If a foundation is weak, then the entire structure is unstable. If the relationship between God and man is broken, then every human relationship is unstable because there is no foundation. If a marriage is weak, then the family is unstable, and if the family is unstable, society cannot function.
Look at America today and you'll see exactly what I'm saying. Our society is full of divorced parents, single mothers, pregnant teenagers, and broken families. Our society is full of corruption, filth, financial trouble and tolerance. We are waiting to fall apart because we have no foundation. Sin has done it's job, and it's been able to because we've given Satan an opportunity.
Jesus came to restore relationships. He came to die to pay the price for sin so that our relationship with God could be healed. He came to lay a new foundation for us to build on. He showed us that God is approachable and that He desires this relationship with us. He showed us how to live in relationship with others. Jesus came to model life to us in every way.
Life is about relationships. We weren't made to live in isolation, but in fellowship with our Creator and our fellow creatures. When we live in relationship with God and each other the foundation of our world is strengthened. A strong foundation will not give the devil a foothold.
Peace be with you
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