Several months ago my brother-in-law called me with a request. At the church he attends he writes the holiday plays, as well as directs different video productions to promote events. Two Christmases ago (2012) we saw part one of a play with a cliffhanger ending, that would wrap up Easter of 2014. This particular favor involves me participating in the Easter play. He asked me to play the part of Jesus. It's one of those feelings that I'm not really sure how to describe. It's still difficult for me to put words to all of this. I started writing this in December after our initial cast read through of the script.
We've been working for months, and in less than a week we perform. It's one of those experiences part of me has always wanted. I've studied my character for the better part of almost three decades. I've come to know Him personally and intimately in that time, and as part of that it's my role to reflect Him to the world. This is the chance to literally do that. To stand before hundreds of people this upcoming weekend and give a portrayal of Jesus.
Spoiler alert, in the Easter play, Jesus dies, and then comes back to life. There is a scene where after the resurrection Jesus confronts Satan (if I say anything else I'll probably get in trouble). But reading the lines, speaking to the devil as Christ, you can't help but feel powerful. You can't help but feel the authority of Christ in that moment. It makes chills run up your body. And at the same time there is a scene in the Garden of Gethsemane, drawing from the account in Luke, where Jesus is worshiped. In that moment there is a tremendous sense of unworthiness.
My hope is that this upcoming Easter weekend, the people in attendance will see a glimpse of who Jesus is. Not how the church has painted Him, or even how I have come to know Him, but who Jesus really is. The love that took Him to the cross. The victory that He won for us at the empty tomb. The authority that is ours because of His Spirit. The burden that is still there for the work that is still to be done.
My hope is that this is what my own life looks like every day. I want to live in the power of the Spirit, proclaim the Gospel of Jesus, glorify the Father, and love God and others. That's what Jesus did on earth, and that is what I want every day of my life. Every day I want to be a portrayal of Christ.
"I have been young and now I am old, yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken or his descendants begging bread."
To God alone be the Glory!
Peace be with you
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