Recently I had the opportunity to witness a miracle. And for about a week I've been thinking about how God works. There are two ways, miraculously and naturally.
God created the world to function with certain rules and laws. There is a way things work, because that is how they were created to work. When God works miraculously is where God makes a temporary exception to the natural order of things to show that He is working. In a miracle we see God's power at work, doing what normally doesn't happen.
The cancer patient who goes in for a screening, and the doctor's come in to say, "We don't know how, but your cancer is gone" has experienced a miracle. My doctor told me, "Bad things don't go away", and so for cancer to just disappear from someone is a miracle. And sometimes God decides to bless people with miracles.
But I think far more often, God works naturally. There is a way to the world, and God created it to work that way. Doctors go to school to learn about the body and medicine. They learn ways to make the body healthy and functional. But I don't want to take any credit away from God, and so I'm going to say that is God working too. It is God working naturally. He is allowing something to work the way that He created it to work.
A person is sick and goes to the doctor. He prescribes some medicine, the patient takes it as prescribed, and they get better. God was at work allowing the medicine to work. God was working naturally, but God was still at work.
God is always at work. Sometimes He does a miracle, something that has no other explanation except God. Sometimes He works with something natural, but may we never take credit away from God. They day we stop acknowledging His work in our lives, miraculous or natural, is they day we say we don't need God's help.
And to clarify, sometimes in the case of an illness, God doesn't allow healing naturally or miraculously. Sometimes death is the result. But even in death God is still at work. In the case of a sick believer God has brought permanent healing. He has welcomed them into His presence for eternity, with no more pain or sickness. For those left behind we can see God at work here as well. We can see His grace and comfort. We can see someone face death with confidence, knowing they are going to see the face of Christ.
God is always at work. May we never take credit away from Him, and always give Him the glory for how He decides to act.
"I have been young and now I am old, yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken or his descendants begging bread."
To God alone be the Glory!
Peace be with you
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