Sunday, September 23, 2012

Blessing of the Wilderness, Regroup

One of the things I love most about backpacking is being with a friend. It's time just together, no distractions, no interruptions. It's a time to get closer together, to build memories and see some incredible places, that many people won't put the effort into getting to. It's a time of strengthening bonds, and preparing for the trials that are coming in life.

The wilderness is a time to regroup. When I think about regrouping my mind goes to battle and war. To soldiers reorganizing for another attack. And if we look at Biblical men of war, David is one of the first that I think of. And David spent time in the wilderness.

After being anointed King over Israel David has many victories in life. But all of his success and the favor he has with the people causes the first king, Saul, to become jealous of David, and eventually Saul tries to kill David. After being warned by Saul's son, Jonathan, David flees. The last several chapters of 1 Samuel we find David living in the wilderness.

We read in the Psalms that David had some of his lowest moments during this time. He was on the run from Saul who was trying to kill him. He was unable to assume the throne that God had promised him and instead lived in caves and among foreign enemies of Israel. He is refused help after freely giving aid, and even after sparing Saul's life, the mas still came after him again. The wilderness was full of hardships for David. But the wilderness also brought a blessing.

In the wilderness David was able to regroup. He gathered his forces, "Everyone who was in distress, and everyone who was in debt, and everyone who was discontented gathered to him; and he became captain over them. Now there were about four hundred men with him." (1 Samuel 22.2)

Together they fought battles. They delivered cities and saved innocent people. And during the time in the wilderness their loyalty to him deepened. They risked their lives as they followed David, but we see that David led them as God directed. Before attacking the Philistines he seeks God.

The wilderness is a time to regroup. People who are in similar situations come together to work together and survive. The wilderness is a place for us to draw closer to each other. It is a place for us to unite as we prepare to take on the enemy. It is a place for us to encourage one another.

Once David left the wilderness to assume the throne there were still battles to fight, and David's men were with Him. They helped him become king over all of Israel, and stood by him as he ruled.

As we saw with Elijah, battles follow our time in the wilderness, but because of our time in the wilderness, God brings victory. It is in the wilderness that Elijah rested, and in the wilderness David regrouped.

If you are in the wilderness, don't isolate yourself. Instead take this time and draw closer to the people who are with you. It is through the hardships of the wilderness that your friendship will be solidified in a way that only going through trials together can do. Take this time and regroup, the people who are by your side now will stand with you through all of the trials to come. Those who walk in the wilderness with you are the ones who will be with you through everything life brings.

It is in the wilderness that relationships are proven. In the wilderness fair-weather friends are separated from those who stick closer than a brother. Regroup, and get ready for what is coming.

To God alone be the Glory!

Peace be with you

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