Monday, June 14, 2010

Random Simplicity at 2:30 am

Whenever I'm tired and talking, either to myself or other people, strange random things come out of my mouth.

Last week I was driving home around 2:30 am, and I was replaying a conversation in my mind. During the conversation I had said something to the effect of "And that's why God made sharpies." Like I said, random things come out of my mouth. From there I just started talking to myself about other random things God had made: Zip lock bags, duct tape, orangutans, purple. And then a profound thought hit me, God made purple!

God made purple, more than that, God made color, He invented it. In His infinitely creative mind God thought up color and made it exist. Then I thought of other things, sounds, God made sound, things make noise, and each thing sounds a little different. God made scents, and each thing has its own unique fragrance. God made flavor, and then He gave texture to things. And all of these weren't things He discovered, He made them.

That thought just amazes me. But something even more incredible than that is this; God did not simply make these incredible things, He also gave us the ability to experience and enjoy them.

He made eyes to see the amazing assortment of colors that fill the world. Each individual hue and shade, the slight variations in blues and reds, greens and yellows, oranges and purples, they are all incredible.

He made ears to hear the incredible sounds of creation. The wind moving through the branches, birds singing, water falling over rocks, laughter, music.

He made a nose to smell. The fragrance of flowers, the scent of rain in the air, food cooking, herbs and spices, fruit, all of it is incredible.

He made a tongue to taste. Thanksgiving is the thing that comes to mind here, and Christmas. Breakfast.

He made skin with the ability to feel. The warmth of the sun on your face, the coolness of water flowing around your feet, grass as you walk barefoot.

These are just a few, the ones that immediately come to mind, and each one of us would have something different, but they are all incredible. I'm amazed by the creativity of God, but also by His love. He didn't create a dull black and white silent movie of a world, He filled it with these incredible sensations. But more than that, He gave us the ability to experience and enjoy them.

I'm grateful for 2:30 am random simplicity, it really makes me appreciate so much.

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