Is it really about the music? Does style really matter? Obviously it does because this is an issue, but should it matter? This idea is one that is on the front of my mind this week. The church I am currently serving at is predominately older. Seventy-Five percent of the congregation is over the age of sixty. Several members have been here for seventy plus years. They love the hymns and the traditional style of music, and that's not a bad thing.
I think the hymns are wonderful. Currently I'm working on a book about the beauty and theology found in the hymns. And at the same time I love the new contemporary music. I love the simple truths that I hear in them. But does it really matter what my preference is?
I think back to a class I had in college, Worship in the Christian Tradition. My professor said something the first day of class, and if we learned nothing else in class but this, I think he would be satisfied. "Worship is a trusting obedient response to the word of God." With this definition worship is more than singing, praying, reading the Bible, going to church, tithing; all of these are part of worship but not any one of them individually is worship. Worship is so much bigger than that.
Worship is a life style. The way we live our lives, everything we do and say, is an opportunity to worship God. And the thing with it is this, worship is about God. Look at the definition my professor gave us, "a trusting, obedient response to the word of God." As I read the Bible I find this to be true. If you look up the definition of worship in the dictionary you find this, "Reverence toward a divine or supernatural power; Expression of reverence; Extravagant respect or devotion." The word revere means, "Show honor and devotion to" and devotion is "Loyalty and dedication to." It all points to a life style.
For worship to happen, based on the definition above, God has to speak. Worship begins with God. For it to be worship it has to be directed at God. The only part humans play in all of this is the choice to listen to God speaking and then choosing to respond in trust and obedience.
Worship is not about us, it is not about our preferences or comfort zone. I think back to a previous post, He Alone is Worthy, I mentioned how God HAS to be praised because of who he is. God will receive worship, he HAS to be worshiped, so it will happen. The best part is that he invites us to do it. He invites us, as unworthy as we are, to come and worship him for who he is.
There is a verse in Galatians 4, "But now that you have come to know God, or rather to be known by God," the verse is talking about how we used to not know God and lived our lives enslaved to things that are not God. Then it talks about how now that we know God, how do we can we go back to being enslaved by things that are not God? How can we go back to worshiping something that is not God? But the best part of this verse is where it says, "or rather to be known by God," think about that. Take a moment and think about the vastness of creation, not just the world, but our galaxy, or even more, the entire universe. Think about how big it is, God made all of that. The song "God of Wonders" comes to my mind. Right now I'm listening to the song "God of this City" it says, "There is no one like our God" and that is so true.
So as we worship, not just in music but in life, we must realize that it isn't about us. It is not about our presences or comforts, but about God.
Romans 12.1-2, "Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect."
God speaks, may we have the wisdom to hear his voice and then the courage to respond in trust and obedience. My we live lives that worship God. May our lives be fully about God.
Peace be with you
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