This year is an election year, and though every time an election occurs people say that "This is the most important election of our time" this one very well could be. The President has an agenda that he seems bent on carrying out at all costs. And his agenda could very well be the end of America as we know it. But this blog is not about politics, and this post is not meant to be a political post. Instead I want to share the answer for America.
For a long time we've listened to men campaign for the office of President. They make all kinds of promises, most of which they probably have no intention of fulfilling, and then whoever is better at convincing the people that they can fix the issues, is elected to serve a four year term. Recently they haven't been doing that great of a job. And do you know why? Democrats don't have the answers. Know what? Neither do Republicans.
The answer for America can't be found with either political party, or an independent. It isn't found in Tolerance, or Coexistence, as bumper stickers try to push that agenda. It isn't found with the liberal or conservative. All of them offer their plan, they try to pass their agenda, but it never works. But I have the answer.
The answer for America is holiness.
The Bible says in Leviticus 11.44a, "For I am the Lord your God. Consecrate yourselves therefore, and be holy, for I am holy." God made us for a purpose. He created the world to work, and us to live in it, a certain way. That way is as holy people. We were made in the image of God, to fellowship with Him and reveal Him to the rest of creation as we cared for it. But sadly, we've drifted farther and farther away from holiness.
We live in a society that wants nothing to do with God. We say we are one nation united under Him is our pledge of allegiance, but there are people that want to remove that phrase from it because it is offensive. We see the words "In God We Trust" on every piece of our currency, but that too people want to remove because we really don't trust in God. We can't even say "Merry Christmas" anymore because we really don't want anything to do with God. And when we want nothing to do with God, what else can a President do but try to pass his own agenda at the people's expense?
The more we push God out, the less holy we become, the worse everything gets. Am I saying that if we turn back to God as a nation then everything will get better? Am I saying that had we as a nation been fully committed to God that September 11, Hurricane Katrina, and Sandy Hook wouldn't have happened? No. We live in a world that is cursed by sin. A world where sinnful people choose to do sinful things that cause death and destruction.
Holiness does not shield us from the results of sin, rather holiness molds us into the image of Christ. Jesus came to earth as man to show us how God would live life, giving us a model to follow, and then He died and rose again to empower us to live that model. Holiness is us living life as God would live life as a human.
Holiness seeks that best for all, not it's own agenda. Holiness loves all, and speaks the truth in love, not in angry condemnation. Holiness seeks to honor God in everything, even the hard times. Holiness helps mold us into Christlikeness. Holiness is the answer for America.
If we really want to see hope and change, then we must turn to the source of hope and allow Him to change us into holy people. If we want to change, and save, America then we must set aside our own agendas and begin living for His. His plan is for our best. His plan is for our greatest good. His agenda is for us to live life to the fullest. And it is only found in holiness.
America, our only hope is to turn back to God. It is only in being one nation under God, a nation that fully trusts in God. But the more we continue to push Him away the worse things will get. No human leader can make us holy, and therefore no human leader can fix the problems. Our only hope is found in God.
The answer is holiness.
"I have been young and now I am old, yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken or his descendants begging bread."
To God alone be the Glory!
Peace be with you