Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Philippians 2.1a

"Therefore if there is any encouragement in Christ,"

The word "Therefore" has been hitting me for a few days now. It's part of a paragraph that begins at 1.27, and ends at 2.11. It's a transitional word. It implies that something has come before it that we need to pay attention to, and our reaction to that thing follows this word, "Therefore".

Philippians 1.27 begins with Paul telling the Church at Philippi to conduct themselves in a manner worthy of the Gospel of Christ. He tells them to be united in Spirit, working as a unit to advance the Gospel. He tells them that there will be hardships and opposition. And therefore they must look to Christ.

In Christ there is love, fellowship, affection, and compassion. In Christ the mindset of love, unity, and focus is possible. They are to follow the example of Christ, and humbly and selflessly serve others. Christ did, and to live in a manner worthy of Christ and His Gospel, they must live in the same way that Christ did. Paul tells them how to act and doesn't expect them just to know how, therefore he gives them an example to follow.

Paul wrote to the a group of people nearly two thousand years ago. His instructions were to them, in their culture and time. But the instructions are to act like Christ, and therefore they are applicable to us.

I reflect on the different churches I've been apart of as a laymen, intern, staff, and leader. Some of them have done very well, while some haven't. Some are thriving, while others are barely surviving. Some are impacting the community and building the Kingdom, while some you wonder what they are there for. The big difference between them is the mindset, the unity, the focus on the Gospel of Christ and it's purpose. The ones that are doing well are unified, they are intent on one purpose, striving together for the Gospel of Christ. And the ones that aren't have missed this. There isn't unity or vision, and therefore no impact.

How do we become unified when so many people have an opinion about how to do things? How do we be intent on one purpose when so many people have ideas about what needs to be done? Paul tells us, have the same attitude of Christ. Humbly put others before yourself. Humble yourself to serve others. For some this requires letting go of things we've held onto for years. For others it means letting go of preferences and comforts. What does it mean for you?

As I write, I keep asking myself what does it mean for me? What can I do to be more like Christ; to live and serve as He did? I think that's part of what I've been looking for in Philippians, and now that I see that, I think the study is almost done, for now. The next step I believe is looking at what God has shown me so far, and searching the pages a few more times for anything else, and seeing how it's all related. And then it's moving on to the next section of Scripture, not sure what that is yet, and seeing what God has to show me there, studying those pages over and over until God moves me else where.

Peace be with you

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